
Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Safeguard has been certified as a BCM by certification international since 2012

BCM is vital to business success in today’s international market to manage disasters like fire or intervention of business. A company is vulnerable to disruption. Some risks could take business offline for days and the BCM helps to manage the business during a crisis without interference at an alternate site.

The Safeguard’s BCM helps to maintain its continuous business operations and assist in managing regulatory compliance, improvised system availability, data protection and integration of IT operational management strategies.

Mr S Krishnamoorthy, Managing Director, Safeguard, was appointed as an ambassador for BCM by Singapore Business Federation(SBF). Our MD also participated in dialogue sessions pertaining to BCM on an ad-hoc basis.

The programme starts with planning and design through implementation and management with a system through the ever-changing business requirement by implementing a drastic management data backup for the company to function in case of disasters like fire, loss of data, etc.

Safeguard has a programme to continue its business and services to clients as it has productively identified and understood through business disruptions and is ready to handle such situations.

Safeguard has made arrangements for alternate work locations and data storage, archive and recovery systems to continue the functions even through unanticipated disasters.

The programme was done by SP Consulting(International) Pte Ltd and a grant by Spring Singapore was approved for the BCM project. Safeguard successfully implemented the BCM project and has trained the staff of unexpected disaster management. 

Safeguard was accredited by Certification International and have achieved the BCM registration ISO 22301:2012, Cert No: CIS/9305B. Safeguard is proud to be BCM certified.

ISO 9001 Certified Company

Safeguard is proud to be an ISO 9001 Certified company since 17-October-1999

As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, we follow the requirements, specifications, guidelines and characteristics set forth to ensure that we are consistently producing processes and services that meet world-class standards. Not only that, but our certification also means that our services are safe, reliable and of good quality, environmental & safety. We have processes in place to minimize waste and error and increase our productivity.

Safeguard will remove worries for clients who require security guards for their buildings, facilities and events by providing excellent customer service for clients and in-depth training for their employees.

Safeguard believes the keys to success in its industry include:

  • Listening carefully to client concerns and objectives to create customised security guard packages
  • Knowing what the client does not know(bringing deep security expertise as well as knowledge of legal regulations and liability to the table)
  • Training security guards carefully and maintaining their training and certifications. Monitoring the quality, environmental & safety of security guard service to offer quality, environmental & safety assurance

Although being ISO certified is voluntary, it is a clear indication of a company’s desire to improve its quality, and conformance to a globally accepted standard of quality measurement. The ISO 9001:2015 certification provides irrefutable and independent verification that the processes by which Safeguard has put in place are of the highest quality and consistent throughout the entire organization.

Through taking stringent measures and constant efforts in applying International ISO standards to the entire operation, Safeguard serves her customers with top quality services and continually make efforts to improve internal processes over time.

ISO 45001:2018

Safeguard is proud to be an ISO 45001:2018 Certified Company

ISO is an independent, non-governmental membership organization that is the world’s largest developer of international standards. Becoming an ISO certified company means that we have dedicated ourselves to upholding world-class specifications for every product, service and system that we produce, ensuring quality, environmental safety and efficiency.

Safeguard is proud to be awarded ISO 45001:2018 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures that our products and services meet the needs of our clients through an effective Environmental & Safety management system.

BizSafe STAR Certified

Safeguard is now a BizSafe Level Star Certified!

We Are Now BizSafe Level Star Certified!

As you know, since September 2011, all workplaces will now have to be covered under the Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Act.

Thus, in line with the Government’s efforts to encourage Workplace Safety and Health, we have decided to take it one step further, and is proud to announce that we are now BizSafe Level Star certified!

We hope that with this certification, you will be assured in our commitment in ensuring that we have good in-house practices in place.

bizSAFE is a 5-step programme tailored to assist companies build up their workplace

safety and health capabilities.

bizSAFE Level 1:

To start the process, the top management of a company will attend a half-day bizSAFE

workshop for CEO/Top Management conducted by a bizSAFE Service Provider.

bizSAFE Level 2:

The company will nominate a Risk Management (RM) Champion to attend a 2-day

bizSAFE Level 2 RM course. At the end of the course, the RM Champion must chart out

the RM Implementation Plan for the company.

bizSAFE Level 3:

Requires the company to fully implement the RM Plan as developed in Level 2, and the

plan be successfully audited by an independent MOM-approved WSH Auditor, in

Compliance to WSH (Risk Management) Regulations 2006.

bizSAFE Level 4:

The company must appoint a Workplace Safety and Health Management System

(WSHMS) Champion to attend a 4-day bizSAFE Level 4 WSHMS course. The WSHMS

Champion will then develop a WSHMS plan for the company.


To achieve bizSAFE STAR, the company must implement the WSHMS plan and engage

an independent Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) accredited auditor to certify that

Your WSHMS meets the SS506 standard or equivalent hence we are UKAS accredited OHSAS 18001:2007 certified.



SAFEGUARD is proud to be certified with the PW Mark.


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